What’s going on in Pitcairn?
Community members in Pitcairn have been experiencing smell events for years, characterized by a strong odor that causes burning of the eyes and throat. The source of the odor, usually presented in colder conditions, is unknown.
In order to address the issue and find the source of the smells, Protect PT has teamed up with the Pitcairn Fire Department and Environmental Integrity Project to employ air
sampling in affected areas. After the air is sampled
during a smell event, the sample will be sent to a
laboratory for analysis.
Air Sampling
The Environmental Integrity Project trained the Pitcairn Fire Department to deploy specialized air canisters (Summa Canisters) that collect air samples during smell events.
They can test for things like Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Sulfur Compounds, Total Non-Methane Organic Compounds (NMOC), and Methane.
Additionally, Protect PT has installed air monitors around the area to continuously measure the level of VOCs present.
Goals for Air Sampling
Identify chemicals that are in the air during odor events
Compare health thresholds
Correlate with continuous VOCs measurements

Summa Canister

What should I do if I experience a smell event?
Because the Pitcairn Fire Department is equipped to sample air, residents are encouraged to call 911 and ask for the fire department to be deployed.
After calling 911, record your observations, both environmental and health.
What is the temperature outside? What is the weather like ? What direction is the wind blowing? Are your eyes burning? Does your throat itch? These are examples of things to consider when recording your observations.
Protect PT's Environmental Reporting App
You can also record your observations using Protect PT’s Environmental Reporting app, which can be accessed with the “Environmental Reporting” button at the top of our web page. You can use the app on any device that connects to the internet.
It is good practice to describe the specific scents you smell, utilizing a smell chart since different pollutants and chemicals produce different smells. This allows the scientists working on this issue to have a better understanding of where the odor may be originating.