Environmental Monitoring
Our Environmental Monitoring Program includes air, water, noise, and radon. We have used our monitors to gather essential data around well pads, injection wells, and local landfills accepting fracking waste. To support our Environmental Monitoring Programs, we have developed a mobile app that enables residents to generate reports on environmental pollution events and associated health impacts from unconventional oil and gas development.

Water Quality
Our goal for our water monitoring is to provide residents with evidence and information pertaining to health and quality of life impacts associated with water contamination from unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD)—primarily wastewater injection wells and the dumping of drilling waste in landfills within our communities.

Air Quality
Protect PT offers air monitoring and data analysis in the Allegheny County and
Westmoreland County areas. Protect PT uses air monitors in order to better
understand and track air pollution issues relating to unconventional gas development and to advise residents on how to remediate and/or change habits in order to avoid potentially unhealthy exposures.

Noise Monitoring
Protect PT’s Noise Monitoring Program helps protect residents from noise-related impacts associated with the construction, drilling and completion phases of unconventional methane gas well development. The Program achieves this by collecting noise level data so Program Participants can use the data in efforts to address or mitigate potential excessive noise levels. The program is available to help residents establish baseline noise levels prior to development and will also provide monitoring to evaluate compliance with applicable local noise standards once UOGD ensues.

Radon Monitoring
Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers in the US. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making it undetectable without proper testing equipment. You can now participate in radon testing through Protect PT’s Radon Air Monitoring Program (RAMP). Protect PT’s RAMP program provides residents the opportunity to measure radon levels in their homes at no charge.

Clean Air for All (CAFA)
Protect PT will conduct air monitoring for the Clean Air for All (CAFA) Study beginning from 2024 through 2027. This project will focus on three communities in Westmoreland and Allegheny County that are likely affected by air pollution emitted from facilities of concern:
Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill (WSL)
Monessen Coke Works a.k.a. Cleveland Cliffs
Plum Injection Well a.k.a. Sedat Injection Well a.k.a. Penneco Injection Well.

Environmental Reporting App
Protect PT’s Environmental Reporting App makes it easy for you to record observations, including air pollution, dust, health impacts and much more. This tool can be used on your computer, tablet or mobile device. The app can be accessed anytime at report.protectpt.org.