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Permitting and Violations Digest

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Weekly Oil and Gas Digest for Westmoreland and Allegheny Counties 

Are you concerned with unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) in Southwest PA? Do you worry about how oil and gas companies are impacting the environment? If so, sign up to receive a weekly round-up from Protect PT on any new permits filed by oil and gas companies operating in the area or notices of violations. Citizen watchdogs help ensure the Department of Environmental Protection is adequately addressing the impacts of fracking, and that they hold oil and gas companies to the highest standard when complying with the law. 


All reports are sourced from the Department of Environmental Protection's Pennsylvania's Environment Facility Application Compliance Tracking System (eFACTS).

Violation Alerts

See Past Violations from Local Operators

Beginning in 2024, Protect PT has been working hard to keep our community informed when an operator near them receives violations from the PA DEP. Check out all recent violation alerts to learn more.

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