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Advocacy Letters Library

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Blue Moon Compressor Station Comment to DEP: Hold a Public Hearing re. Draft Permit

March 3, 2025

Commenters request that DEP hold a public hearing for Blue Moon’s Draft Permit due to numerous complaints from local residents of the Facility and how it disrupts their homelife and
health. Since starting operations around 2017, residents around the Facility experience health
symptoms that include burning eyes and trouble breathing.


Protect PT, Clean Air Council, Breathe Project, Environmental Integrity Project


Allegheny County Health Department Permit Errors for Monroeville Landfill

September 23, 2024

The Environmental Integrity Project, alongside Protect PT, found several errors in the Draft Title V Renewal Permit (“Draft Permit”) issued by the Allegheny County Health Department (“ACHD”) for the Monroeville Landfill, operated by Chambers Development Company Inc. (hereinafter “CDC”). This comment letter explains the errors and asks that they be addressed.


Environmental Integrity Project and Protect PT


Letter to Governor Shapiro, Improving Setbacks

December 18, 2023

Protect PT and 6 other environmental groups attended a press conference in front of the Southwestern PA DEP Office to ask Governor Shapiro to direct DEP to improve its regulations by increasing distance between the waters of the Commonwealth and fracking operations. 


Protect PT and Others


Letter to Pennsylvania DEP, Comment on Hyperion Midstream LLC; Delmont North Pipeline Individual Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit

April 21, 2023

Protect PT wrote a letter to the Pennsylvania DEP to deny the issuance of the Delmont North Pipeline Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit to Hyperion Midstream, LLC.


Protect PT

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Apex Energy LLC; Draftina Central Well Pad-31 ESCGP-3

Jan 11, 2023

Protect PT wrote a letter to deny the Erosion and Sedimentation Control General Permit - 3, proposed in December 2022.


Protect PT

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Comment on Level Green and Lyons Run Pipelines

Nov 8, 2022

Protect PT wrote to the DEP to deny the permitting of the Level Green and Lyons Run pipelines.


Protect PT


Further Comment on Permit #PAS2D702BALL, Penneco Environmental Solutions, Sedat 4A Underground Injection Well

Aug 22, 2022

Protect PT wrote to the EPA to deny a permit for Sedat 4A Underground Injection Well.


Protect PT


Draft General Permit WMGR163 

March 11, 2022

Protect PT and Three Rivers Waterkeeper wrote a letter to the Bureau of Waste Management to address the inadequacies of Draft General Permit WGMR163. Image credit: FracTracker.


Protect PT,

Three Rivers Waterkeeper

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Comment to DEP on Drakulic Well Pad

Aug 26 2021

Protect PT wrote a letter to PA DEP about the Drakulic Well Pad in Penn Township requesting a public hearing on two new well permits. Photo Credits: Jason Cohn (Pittsburgh Foundation)


Protect PT

Image of a Pipeline by Danil Sorokin

Titan Pipeline Letter

July 13, 2021

Protect PT wrote to the Murrysville Planning Commission regarding the pipeline near the Titan Well Pad.


Protect PT

drawing of residual waste truck dumping waste, water running off the waste and forming leachate

WSL Letter to DEP

April 21, 2021

Protect PT and Environmental Health Project co-wrote a letter to the PA DEP Southwest Regional Director Jim Miller to follow up on requests made by residents during a community meeting in March.


Protect PT, EHP

Image of Fracking Waste by FracTracker Alliance

Written Testimony

October 14, 2020

Protect PT wrote the the PA House Democratic Policy Committee with data-driven recommendations for the proposed legislation to close fracking waste loopholes. PC: FracTracker Alliance


Protect PT

Covid 19 virus

DEP Covid-19

June 11 2020

Protect PT and Mountain Watershed Association sent a letter to the PA DEP requesting a suspension of permits due to issues surrounding Covid-19


Protect PT, MWA

On Site Gas Production

Inspector General

April 24, 2019

Letter to Inspector General Beemer regarding our requests to the DEP for information on gas operators in Westmoreland County.


Protect PT

Fracking Well

DEP Permits

November 9, 2018

The DEP has failed to take our concerns seriously and continued to issue permits to Apex Energy where they continue to rack up violations.


Protect PT

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Letter to DEP: Do not Renew Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill's Air Quality Title V Operating Permit

November 18, 2024

The PA DEP should only consider renewing the Title V permit for the WSL when WSL, LLC can show that it can meet its obligations under Pennsylvania’s Article 1 Section 27 rights to clean air and water, comply with its existing regulatory obligations and agreements with the DEP, and refrain from unequally and unlawfully infringing on the rights, health, and safety of Pennsylvania’s citizens living in the surrounding communities.


Protect PT

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Letter to DEP, Mamont 12 Well Pad Erosion
and Sediment Plan

September 9, 2024

Protect PT submitted comments regarding the Mamont 12 site and the pending Erosion & Sedimentation plan due to concerns about erosion and sedimentation at this facility and the impact this facility can have
on the community both in regards to the environment and the health of nearby residents, especially noting that this is an environmental justice area.


Protect PT

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Letter to DEP, Collaborative Group Comments on Proposed EJ Policy Revision

November 30, 2023

Protect PT and 17 other groups collaborated on a letter to DEP regarding concerns that DEP's proposed policy does not
have the ability to create actual change and improve the environmental pollution
impacts in EJ communities.


Protect PT and Others

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Monroeville Council Public Hearing, April 4, 2023

April 14, 2023

FairShake Environmental Legal Services wrote a letter to the Mayor of Monroeville regarding the mishandling of Monroeville Council's Public Hearing on April 4, 2023.


Protect PT,

FairShake Environmental Legal Services

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Apex Energy LLC Backus Well Pad ESCGP-2

Jan 11, 2023

Protect PT wrote a letter to deny the Erosion and Sedimentation Control General Permit - 2 proposed in November 2022. 


Protect PT


Comment on Lyons Run Pipeline Project

Oct 4, 2022

Protect PT wrote to the DEP to deny the permitting of Lyons Run Pipeline.


Protect PT


Comment on Permit #PAS2D702BALL, Penneco Environmental Solutions, Sedat 4A Underground Injection Well

June 28, 2022

Protect PT wrote to the EPA to deny a permit for Sedat 4A Underground Injection Well.


Protect PT

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Mariner East Chapter 102 Permit Comment

Jan 25, 2022

Protect PT partnered with other organizations from Pennsylvania to write a comment on the renewal of permits for Sunoco's Chapter 102 permits.


Protect PT

and partners


Revoke the Plum Injection Well

Aug 2 2021

Fair Shake Environmental Legal Services wrote to the US EPA on behalf of Protect PT to advocate for the revocation of the Sedat 3A Injection Well Permits. PC: FracTracker Alliance


Fair Shake

Barge Ramp Rentals

Letter to US Coast Guard

June 28, 2021

Protect PT and partner organizations wrote to the US Coast Guard and the US Army Corps of Engineers to request them to not allow fracking waste to be barged on the 3 rivers.


Protect PT

injection well pump

Letter to Gov Wolf

January 13, 2021

Protect PT, Breathe Collaborative, and Citizens4Plum wrote Governor Wolf , to revoke the permit for the Penneco Sedat #3A class 2 waste disposal well in Plum Borough.


Protect PT and partners

unconventional fracking well

Letter to DEP

September 28, 2020

Our concerns about the new pressure barrier policies for unconventional wells due to the lack of enforcement it exhibits for important policies.


Protect PT

Water coming out of pipe


June 8, 2020

Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill applied for a permit to evaporate Leachate from fracking waste at their site. Protect PT wrote to the PA DEP...


Protect PT, MWA

Flaring by Beaver Run Reservoir

Beaver Run

March 12, 2019

Follow-up letter to the DEP regarding operations at Beaver Run dangerously close to the reservoir, with sign-ons from MWA and WMCG.


Protect PT, MWA, WMCG


Letter to DEP: Expand Ambient Air Monitoring around Shale Gas Extraction

October 21, 2024

Protect PT urges the PA DEP to expand their current ambient air monitoring in areas of increased industrialization and shale gas development due to known health effects from said infrastructure. Other recommendations include increasing the quality of monitors and standardizing the chemicals measured from one monitor to another to allow for comparison.


Protect PT

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Letter to DEP, Improving Erosion and Sediment Permitting Processes

July 26, 2024

The health of Pennsylvania’s environment, waterways, and people are important to Protect PT and 3WRK. We recommend changes and revisions to the updated erosion and sediment permit process. We believe these changes will better protect the environment and ensure that the Department of Environmental Protection is fulfilling their mission to guarantee Pennsylvanians their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment.


Protect PT and Three Rivers Waterkeeper

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Letter to Governor Shapiro, RGGI Issues

August 23, 2023

Protect PT wrote a letter to PA Governor Shapiro to call out undemocratic government proceedings and demand change.


Protect PT

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Comments and proposed changes to the 2023 Update of the PEMA State Hazard Mitigation Plan

Jan 11, 2023

Protect PT and partners wrote to PEMA and Vernon Land Use LLC about the 2023 update of the PEMA State Hazard Mitigation Plan.


Protect PT,


FracTracker Alliance, 

Cathy Lodge


Comment on  Tonkin gas compressor station 

Dec 16, 2022

Protect PT wrote to the DEP to deny the renewal of the Tonkin gas compressor station.


Protect PT

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Letter to the DEP

Sep 19, 2022

Protect PT wrote a letter to deny the application for a leachate evaporator at the Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill.


Protect PT

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Comments to Revised ME2 E&S Permit Renewal Applications

April 29, 2022

Protect PT and partners wrote a letter to the DEP regarding commenting on Sunoco's Mariner East pipeline. Image Credit: FracTracker


Protect PT, Clean Air Council, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Mountain Watershed Association, Food & Water Watch


Drakulic Sign on Letter

Oct 21, 2021

Protect PT wrote a letter to PA DEP to request the denial of the drill and operate permits for the 1H and 7H wells. Several organizations signed on.


Protect PT

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Beaver Run Letter to DEP

July 22, 2021

Protect PT wrote to the PA DEP requesting them to stop CNX operations near the Beaver Run Reservoir to protect the source water area. 


Protect PT

Power Plant using natural gas

Invenergy Comment

June 8, 2021

Protect PT commented during the hearing for the Invenergy proposed Allegheny Energy Center 639 megawatt combined-cycle natural gas-fired power plant, permit number 0959-I001, in Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County


Protect PT

Beaver Run Reservoir

Letter to DEP

November 6, 2020

Protect PT requests that the DEP deny permits to CNX Gas Company LLC (CNX) and any other operator in the vicinity of Beaver Run Reservoir on the basis that their operational activity is endangering the vegetation, water quality, and air quality in a Source Water Protection Area.


Protect PT

Reviewing the Laws

District Attorney

August 12, 2020

Protect PT wrote to the District Attorney to follow up on our concerns about operators in Westmoreland. The DA responded in September by forwarding the information to the AG.


Protect PT

Well Pad

Letter to DEP

August 8. 2019

Huntley and Huntley (now Olympus Energy) need to be held accountable. An operator was cited for 254 violations on 5 sites.


Protect PT

Dearmitt well pad

Attorney General

January 17, 2019

Letter to the Attorney General to address DEP's and Apex Energy's violations at the Beaver Run site and hold them accountable. PC: Bob Donnan


Protect PT

Fatur Well Pad signs Apex Energy

Apex Energy

June 1, 2018

Apex Energy was allowed to continue operations for years on the Fatur Well Site despite 52 violations and overall lack of compliance.


Protect PT

Well Driller

Injection Wells

December 8, 2017

Letter to the Penn Township Board of Commissioners regarding proposed injection well ordinances and their community impact on residents.


Protect PT

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